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Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

The interview was blind (resume-based). The interviewer was in a bit of rush (I suppose due to multiple meetings). I joined 10 mins earlier than my time and she was already present. We jumped right in and wrapped up with additional questions in about 30 mins.

Overall the feel was quite warm and encouraging with her sharing details about her own experience in tidbits.

Questions –
1. Walk me through your resume/TMAY?
2. ST/LT Goals
3. Why MBA/Tuck/Now?
4. TMAT when – received critical feedback/accomplished something in a project/helped someone?
5. What is something new that you learnt recently?
6. Any questions for me?

Mostly it was a repeat of most of the questions I have seen here or on GMATClub. Just be thorough with your narrative. ATB everyone!

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