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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus

Came to the interview early to prep and get comfortable. Got a chance to sit in on a class and some other activities day-of. Interviewer was very nice and direct. Here are the questions I can recall:

  1. Walk me through your professional career starting with undergrad (Standard)
  2. Handful of follow-up resume questions (Standard)
  3. Define your current role and responsibilities (Standard)
  4. Describe an example of professional leadership experience (Standard)
  5. Why an MBA, why now, why Kellogg (Standard)
  6. What three adjectives would your co-workers use to describe you (Unexpected)
  7. What is a common mis-conception that people have with you (Unexpected)
  8. Do you feel that your GMAT score was accurate in reflecting your academic ability (Unexpected)
  9. Is there any weakness in your application that you feel needs to be explained (Standard)

Overall, I think the interview went really well, I had actually met the interviewer 3 months earlier at an information session in my city. She clearly had not remembered me, but it helped that I had a reference. The interview was brisk, calm, and methodical. At the very end I felt like she had gotten a very complete snap shot of me and it left me at a loss for questions. Though she started the session saying it would take about 30 min., it took 45 minutes.

Hope this helps others the way the previous posts have helped me :-)!

Good luck!