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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus

The interview lasted over an hour and thirty minutes. He met me at a local coffee shop and arrived early (as did I). Took a few minutes setting up (had his computer open and was typing for most of it). Questions are listed below (in the order that I can remember them).

  • Tell me a little about yourself
  • Why undergrad?
  • Why first job?
  • Why second job and career switch (moved from finance to the development sector)
  • Specific questions about current job (I was part of the founding team of a social enterprise- pretty unique model so spent several minutes discussing it)
  • Short term, medium term and long-term goals
  • Tell me about a significant challenge faced at current job
  • Tell me about the differences between working in a developed versus a third world countryt
  • Tell me about a time you had to motivate a group of people to work towards one thing
  • Tell me about a time you had to convince a team to your viewpoint
  • Tell me about a time where you had to handle conflict within a team
  • Challenging work environment
  • Tell me about a time where you worked with someone who wasn’t doing their share of the work
  • He asked several questions about my volunteer activities
  • He asked about my interests- books I’ve read, places I’ve traveled
  • Asked me if I had any questions for him: which I did and led to a longer in-depth conversation about Kellogg

The interview was long because he did make an effort to understand more about me. Biggest takeaways: Know your resume inside out, come up with a list of several accomplishments, leadership opportunities and team experiences. Ask open-ended questions at the end. Make sure you weave “why kellogg” into several of your answers. Good luck!!