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Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-campus / Alum

I had an in-person interview with a Haas alumni in my home town.

We organized the time/location over email and met in the city. He hasn’t been at Haas for a very long time (10+ years!).

He was very lovely and we chatted about this and that for ~10 mins.

We then started the formal interview questions. He took notes on his laptop which was very disconcerting!


  • Take me through your resume: He had a copy. I took about 10 mins. He got a little impatient towards the end so I suggest wrapping it up a bit quicker.
  • Why an MBA?
  • Why Haas? (didn’t get much time on this unfortunately – I tried to make up for that by dropping a bunch of pieces of Haas knowledge in my questions at the end)
  • What do you think is the most important part about leadership? What is your style?
  • Tell me about a tough time you’ve had with a team?
  • What bothers you most in the workplace? This one through me a little bit.

Any questions for me? I was able to find him on LinkedIn beforehand so I had some background to ask good questions about his industry and background.

It went over the hour they said, probably for 80 mins or so. It felt like it went very quickly.

We ended up catching the same train home so we talked about a bunch of different things, especially about life in the Bay Area, for ~15 minutes more.

A very pleasant interview all in all!