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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alum / Off-Campus

Had my interview last week; off campus in large city (Chicago/LA/DC)

The Questions:

  • Walk me through your resume
  • Why an MBA/Columbia/Why now?
  • Why Columbia?
  • What other schools have you Applied to?
  • Why did you decide to apply to Columbia?
  • Why did you choose your undergraduate school?
  • What are some example of a time you worked on a team and how you demonstrated leadership

Then there were a couple of goofy questions which I’d read about on some forums:

  • Tell me something about you that would surprise me/most people
  • If you could be an animal for a day, what kind would you be and would you do it?
  • what does ‘leadership’ mean to you?

Applied in late December and invited for interview mid-January