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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On Campus / Second-year Student

I interviewed on September 23, 2011 as part of the open interview period for R1 applicants.

I arrived in the Raleigh-Durham area the day before, so I woke up bright and early on the 23rd to get to the school in plenty of time. I wanted to knock my interview out of the way early, so I scheduled a 10 am slot. From the moment I arrived at Fuqua, the admissions office was buzzing with current students, admissions officers and prospectives there to visit. The current students sat and chatted with me for as long as I wanted and were happy to answer any questions I had.

When the time came, I was called into a small room by an MBA2. This was a blind interview as I had not even submitted an application yet, so I knew she only had my resume to work off of.

The questions were pretty standard:

  • Goals?
  • Why MBA/now?
  • Why Fuqua?
  • Tell me about a time working with a team?
  • Tell me about a difficult team member.
  • Time for me to ask her questions.

I found the interview to be very conversational as she was very involved in my answers and was paying attention. A few times she jotted down notes and asked me follow up questions, so I know she was interested in what I was saying.

Overall, I loved my visit and interview to Fuqua. The students and staff were great, and I had a great time. I prepared for this interview through a variety of different means. I did mock interviews with friends and family, studied the expected questions and even practiced answering the questions to myself in the car!

The only comment I have is to make sure you schedule your visit/interview day in a feasible manner. My day was packed and I was moving from one event to the next, but a few prospectives were struggling to make it from event to event in time.

Good Luck!