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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On Campus

I interviewed at Fuqua on Feb. 25, 2012

The interview lasted about an hour and was a mix of conversation and having to come back to answering the list of questions the interviewer had to ask. We made some chit chat about how my visit was going before “officially” starting the interview.


  • Why MBA?
  • Why now?
  • Why Duke?
  • Coming from a non-traditional background how do I think I will handle the rigor of the program? (weird questions considering i have an engineering degree)
  • How would you handle a team member who was not carrying his weight? – What if this person did not like you?
  • What is your leadership style?
  • Do you have a boss or manager who you like, why do you like him? Have you learned anything from him?
  • What are three ways your co-workers would describe you as.
  • What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  • Tell me about something you regret.

The interviewer did not really seem interested in the actual experiences on my resume, rather he seemed more interested in learning about me as a person.

I talked with a student to was applying to be an admissions fellow but dropped out due to time constraints. He emphasized that the interview was more about how applicants fit in with the school’s culture. He also told me that the interview carries the same weight as your GMAT score (this actually made sense to me because at the interview stage all of the applicants have presumably cleared gpa and GMAT hurdles). After visiting Fuqua I definitely had a better sense of their culture and how it is different from other schools. All of the students I talked with were extremely honest and candid. This school is very team oriented, and as a gross generalization I would say that the majority of the students would sacrifice their own goals in order to advance the Fuqua brand and mission. This was the attitude I got after talking with several students.