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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / On-campus

I completed my Kellogg on campus interview on 9th Feb 2012. I am a R2 candidate. I had scheduled my appointment at 2 PM. I flew to Evanston Illinois on 6th Feb to visit the school and interact with the students. This experience definitely helped me in my interview.

I reached my destination well before time and I was chatting with other candidates while I was waiting to be called. This interaction definitely took some pressure off my mind.

My interview began at 2:00 PM sharp and my interviewer was a 2010 Kellogg alumni. He was very friendly and he made every attempt to make me feel comfortable throughout the interview process. Here are the list of questions he asked me, not necessarily in the order he asked me.

  1. Why and how did you choose you undergraduate major ?
  2. What were my extra curricular activities in college ?
  3. What are my short term / long term goals ?
  4. Why kellogg and how would you contribute to the community ?
  5. What is your dream company for internship / job ?
  6. Describe a significant leadership experience.
  7. What are the core core classes you would like to focus on while at Kellogg ?
  8. Is there anything you would like to ask me ?

Interview lasted about 45 minutes. He was taking notes on his paper throughout the interview process. He had my resume, but it was a blind interview.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best !