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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Student / On-campus

My interviewer was very friendly and had a similiar background as me so it was an easy conversation that lasted exactly 1 hour. I got only a few major questions because I think we went over the time allotted time for my intro “career progression” answer since I had to explain a couple of different jobs and he stopped me to ask a lot of questions. Very straightforward:

Not necessarily in order:

  1. Career progression
  2. Why MBA
  3. Why Kellogg
  4. Why did you choose your undergraduate school, how was your experience there, what were the most interesting activities/experiences in college
  5. Describe a team experience (I thought that one was very opened-ended so I just talked about a team leadership story)
  6. How would your peers describe you
  7. What is your greatest PERSONAL achievement
  8. Career goals
  9. What would you bring to Kellogg?
  10. Questions for me?