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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus (Skype) / Second-year Student

I had a Skype interview this morning, 6am my time (yuk).

I was really prepared on the technology side, but for 10 minutes of trying different calls and computers she kept saying she couldn’t hear me. In the end her volume was on mute!

Anyway, we started quite late and she explained she was a 2nd year MBA student doing the recruiting as part of her program. It was her first Skype interview. She also explained that she wanted me to tell her my story and Why Darden for ~30 mins, with her interjecting with questions every now and then, followed by some time for me to ask questions.

And that was exactly how it went:

  • My story: 30 mins, a few clarifications (we had a bad line)
  • Why Darden: 5 mins – got totally cut off after outlining only one of my FOUR points, but we were running out of time due to the late start.
  • ST/LT goals: 8 mins
  • Questions for her: What have you loved most about Darden that you didn’t expect to? What have you found tough at Darden that people don’t usually talk about?

She also apologized that since I’m interested in Education they had an edu-focused person lined up to interview me but he had to pull out at the last minute due to another commitment. Pity, but still a helpful data point on the school.

Then she wrapped up and offered her email address for any follow-up questions.

Feels like it went pretty well!