The interview was in my city with alum in a cafe. It was the most stressful interview I have ever had. I had to defend every thing I told, like -“I don’t know your company, what do you do?” I explained. “Is this profitable? To my mind, you are the odd link”
The questions were:
- Walk me through your resume
- What are your short/long term goals?
- Why Kellogg?
- What other universities are you applying to? Why them? Why not Stanford… etc? What is your main choice?
- Tell me about your leadership experience?
- Tell about a time you had to convince a team in your opinion? Why did they listen to you? What exactly did you do? What was the result of action?
- What will you do if not accepted?
- What are your TOEFL and GMAT results? There have been a funny thing as the alum thought of TOEFL as paper-based with 670 maximum score and he was very surprised to hear my 112 result and I had to explain that it is really good. When he heard of my GMAT he asked “How do you plan to be accepted with such a low score?”
- Any questions for me?
I think it was the worst interview ever. I had a feeling that he has come to the interview with the decision that I am not good for Kellogg.
So, we’ll see the results soon, but after such an interview there is not much to hope. Best wishes to everyone.