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UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 (Admitted) / Second-year Student / On Campus

Interviewed on 1/11/2012 with a 2nd year student on campus. Received admission e-mail on 1/25/2012. Interview lasted about 40 minutes

  1. Walk me through your resume (with some questions about my engineering experience)
  2. Why MBA?
  3. Why UCLA?
  4. Tell me about a leadership experience.
  5. Questions for me?

Overall, I enjoyed the interview. It was a very casual conversation where the interviewer showed genuine interest in me as a person, my career aspirations, and how the Anderson MBA fits in. No probing / forcing questions to put me on my toes. It really was a 2-way conversation, where the interviewer related and inter-weaved his own impressions / stories in addition to my responses. Left with a great impression of the interviewer and school.