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UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Phone

My interview was with the Director of admissions of Kenan-Flagler. The questions I was asked were:

  1. Why do you want an MBA and why now
  2. MBA is a big monetary commitment.Are you prepared for loss of income
  3. How did you choose which schools to apply to
  4. Which achievement are you most proud of
  5. What have been your disappointments
  6. You have lived/worked in multiple states across US. Which one did you like the most
  7. What are your career goals
  8. Is there a role model who has influenced your career goals
  9. When did you first think about getting an MBA

The interview was about 40 minutes long. The adcom member was very friendly and conversational. Showing fit is big at Kenan-Flagler