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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off Campus

I received interview invite a week before the deadline. I was originally given two different names but they were changed and two new names were provided by the end of the next week. I was to contact them and setup the interview within a month. As we all do, I tried to find information about interviewers. First interviewer was in private equity and second in a top three consultancy firm. As already mentioned elsewhere, both of the interviewers were in some way related to my profile – means they would in a good position to judge my profile.

I got my interview setup two weeks later on a Friday. Both of the interviewers were in NYC and since it is few hours drive from my place, they were super polite to accommodate my request for the interview on the same day. I did not know what to do in preparation for the interview. I read a number of blogs, talk to friends who have been to INSEAD and read books about interviews. All of them advised to be MYSELF during the interview and that the interview is nothing but a conversation. I started by reading my essays and profile closely, making up questions that might be asked. I will practice in front of the mirror speaking out loud on how I would answer my questions. This practice probably was helpful to not look for answers when interviews finally happened as everything was in the back of my mind. From experience, I know it looks very unnatural to try to remember details of own profile when in conversation. As the interview date drew closer, I realized that this practice also has a downside. A conversation is not like a speech but I was practicing speech for the lack of a real person asking questions. If I overdo it, our conversation will turn into a one sided talk show. Realizing this, I stopped the practice a week before the interview. Instead I would try to find opportunities at work to have conversation with people around me. It helped me to come back to normal – listen closely, think, respond and ask questions.

First Interview

First interview was half hour. It was little scary to meet someone so high up. I waited for 5 min. He came to meet and greet me and take me to his office. He had my profile and other information with him. While he was searching his emails and computer, I gave him my CV and a copy of the profile. He was pleased to see that I came prepared. He started by explaining the process of interview. How it would be recorded. Then he went over his own career. I asked a few questions about that as it was quite interesting. He then delved into my profile – questioning every move I made in my career and how INSEAD fits into the picture. I could see very clearly he is making a 3D image of my career and trying hard to understand motivations for going to INSEAD. I was amazed how well he dissected and extracted the essence of my move to MBA. I could understand how futile it would have been to be even a tad bit made-up or dishonest with this guy. He would have found out. Everything went like a conversation after initial hiccups and a few silences in between. At the end of the interview, he told me that he could see why I want to go to INSEAD and would provide me a positive feedback. He asked me to keep in touch.

I was ecstatic.

Second Interview

At the last moment, the interviewer had to change the meeting place. I had just enough time to take a taxi and show up. I reached his place about 15 mins early and waited in the lobby for him. He came, shook hands, apologized for changing venue and thanked for driving few hours to meet him. He was super relaxed and friendly person. When we sat for the interview, he asked me to take off my coat and relax. As CV has worked for last interview, I was quick to take it out and hand it to the interviewer. He did not seem so interested in following a set pattern but took the CV and scanned for something interesting. I have done a number of interesting thing in life – very unconventional and unheard of. We talked about them for a little while with conversation moving back and forth encompassing our experiences. It felt more like a afternoon conversation of friends who shared same interests but met after so long. He gave me tips about INSEAD and how I should proceed in my career. At the end of the conversation, he asked me stay in contact. I was a little worried since he did not tell me how his feedback would be. I wondered if I got too friendly and said something that he did not find so agreeable. Or the fact that interview stretched for 1.5 hrs was not taken kindly.

A few days later, I got email from him asking for my essays. I sent them to both of the interviewers. When I got admit, second interviewer sent me a letter congratulating.

Result: Admitted.