Oxford is a dream come true for me. The questions were simple except one which I’ve mentioned at the end:
It was a non-blind interview.
- So I have read your profile, so would you like to give me 3 words to describe yourself ?
- You have varied leadership experiences- what would you say is your leadership style ?
- Why did you chose Oxford for an MBA?
- Tell me one experience where you had failed and what did you learn from it ?
- What are some of the weaknesses in your candidacy and how do you plan to mitigate them ?
- Lastly, why should you be admitted to Said Business School ?
Surprise question: What would your colleagues say about you if asked ? – This wasn’t something I had prepared for. But, I guessed it was similar to telling your strengths type question and so that is how I answered it.
All in all, it was a much more formal interview experience than some other interviews i had been a part of.