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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Admissions Officer / On-Campus

The interviewer was pretty friendly. she said the interview would last 30 mins and it lasted for about 40 minutes.

My questions were as follows not exactly in that order.

1. Can you talk about your education background
2. Why did you choose to work for xxx
3. Why did u switch your company
4. If I were to call your team and ask them about your positive points, what would they say?
5. Following that, what do you think your team will say your negative points are and on giving my answer she asked me “why is that a negative point, can you explain”
6. How would you describe your leadership style and give me an example.
7. I applied for the 1 Y program, so she asked me why 1 Yr
8. what was the biggest accomplished at your work place.
9. Did you ever have to think outside the box, give me an example of that situation in college and at workplace.
10. why do you think Kellogg can help you achieve your goals, why not some other school
11. what are your short and long term goals
12. how will you contribute to the school

Any questions for me:

1. I asked her about the new construction Kellogg is thinking of, and asked her if the students are providing any kind of input
2. the digital effort Kellogg is working on

and a couple more.
I think the interview went well, but that’s my feeling and also there is no wrong answer for anything. I did multiple mock interviews so I was pretty prepared with all my answers. My mock interview and strategy session with clear admit was very helpful.

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