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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 /Alumnus /Off-campus

I interviewed with a recent Ross alumnus in Manhattan. We met at a coffee shop and chatted for about 45 minutes. The interview was very casual. He instructed me to dress as casually as I felt comfortable – I wore a tie, blazer, sweater vest, dark jeans, and black oxfords.

Questions included:

1. Why an MBA? (I used the opportunity to talk about my background and tell my story of how I made the decision to apply)
2. Why Ross? (I spoke about the various factors contributing to my decision and worked in my experiences visiting the school and spending time in Ann Arbor.
3. Short and long term goals?
4. If you opened the newspaper 20 years from now and saw an article about yourself, what would you want it to say, what section would it be in, etc..
5. What ways would you want to get involved in the Ross community?
6. open up for questions.

He was very pleasant and relaxed, and very excited about Ross. And that excitement definitely rubbed off on me. I think I would be very happy there.

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