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UT Austin / McCombs Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

Image for UT Austin / McCombs Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

The following UT Austin / McCombs interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

I interviewed during Round 1 and chose the option for the off-campus hub in NYC. My interviewer was a member of the admissions committee, and the interview took place in a coffee shop in the lobby of a hotel. The environment was relaxed, but my interview was at 10 AM so it was quite noisy at times with the blender going which made it hard to hear my interviewer (we were fairly close to the counter), and I worried that he had trouble hearing me.

My interviewer had my résumé with him, and said that he had not read my application in full before the interview. He was taking notes all over the front and back of my résumé during the interview, but was engaged, asking follow up questions and probing deeper when necessary. Overall, the tone was very friendly and engaging, they really want to get a sense of who you are and your history, as well as what you would bring to the program/your fit with the culture.

The questions were:

1. Quick walk-through of résumé
2. Why an MBA?
3. Why McCombs?
4. What do you do now and what do you want to do after you MBA? Why?
5. Describe responsibilities at current job and how they evolved with promotion
6. Example of teamwork/leadership
7. How would you interact with the McCombs community? What would you contribute?
8. What have you learned about yourself through the MBA application process?
9. Is there anything they forgot to ask or that you want them to know?

I would definitely recommend having a good answer prepared for why McCombs and how you would interact/contribute to the McCombs community. My interviewer was also an alum of the program so having an opportunity for questions at the end was valuable. I thought it went well and I was ultimately admitted. My advice would be if you are in an off-campus hub, don’t choose peak breakfast or lunch times as the location may be busy/loud, and relax and be yourself!

Preparing for an upcoming interview at UT Austin / McCombs? Click here to get the Clear Admit UT Austin McCombs Interview Guide.

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