The following Yale SOM interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!
It was an online Skype interview with a second-year student who had not seen my résumé (blind interview). Started off formal as the interviewer explained the timing restrictions (30 minutes) and that he had a few questions he had to cover at the start before I could ask questions. The interview became more free flowing after the initial questions and he really showed an interest in what I was doing.
Here are the questions:
– Introduce myself.
– Explain what work I do and what I do in my day.
– Why an MBA? Why Yale? Why now?
– Asked about the business I started up and what it did and what was involved.
– Anything else I want to share and for him to tell the ad-com.
Preparing for an upcoming interview at Yale SOM? Click here to get the Clear Admit Yale SOM Interview Guide.
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