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Real Humans of the Kellogg MBA Class of 2019

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Yini Yu, Kellogg MBA Class of 2019, M.S. in Design Innovation (MMM)

Kellogg MBA Class of 2019
Yini Yu, Kellogg MBA Class of 2019

Age: 29

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Undergraduate Institution and Major: Shanghai International Studies University

Pre-MBA Work Experience: CPG, brand marketing, five years (Kraft, Oreo), corporate innovation, two years (Coca-Cola)

Why business school? Why now? I found my passion at the intersection of business and design to drive more impactful change, so I really wanted to dive in and learn. It was time to stop playing safe and explore myself in a total different context before settling down. If I’m always playing safe, am I really playing?

Why Kellogg? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
1.MMM program: the-one-of-a-kind dual-degree program that can prepare me to be a whole-brain thinker at the intersection of business and design.

2.Amazing and humble people, always willing to share and support each other.

3.Student-led supportive community. You can feel it in everything we do.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2019? Everyone is unique. I think my unique perspective would be how to be move the needle of change in a well-established corporation and think about how to influence as someone without authority.

Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application? No jet lag

Post-MBA career interests? Consultant at innovation consultancy, change agent in corporate innovation

Advice to current prospective applicants:

  –One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process? Go through all your personal stories ever since you had memories. It will not only help you to prepare a pool for your application essays but also help you understand who you are and who you want to become if you connect those dots.

  –One thing you would change or do differently? Get the GMAT done when you are young and have more free time. You really don’t want to do prep after facilitating a 10-hour workshop and before a business trip.

  –Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? It’s all part of the experience. I wouldn’t have skipped anything. But I got through thanks to my friends and my family.

Greatest highlight so far at Kellogg? Kwest Trip to Peru (a 2nd-year-student-led trip to 40+ countries with 20ish new Kellogg friends) An unforgettable journey of personal exploration, friendship, and Pisco Sour, all well-designed and curated by the 2nd-years who were once in our shoes and welcome us in a Kellogg way. That Kwest group is now another home base to me. (The first one is MMM.)

One thing about Kellogg that you didn’t expect before arriving? How tight and close the MMM community is. We genuinely love, care about, and support each other.

Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
Energy management. (It’s not a matter of time. It’s how you manage your energy.)

Thing you are most excited about in your first year? Right now? Upcoming Fall Ball. First year? How about this winter, I will host a cultural hotpot night this winter and am thinking about scaling it into a festival of food, culture, and meaningful connection.