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HBS Round 2 Interview Invites to Go Out in Two Waves Next Week

Image for HBS Round 2 Interview Invites to Go Out in Two Waves Next Week

Chad Losee, Harvard Business School (HBS) managing director of MBA admissions and financial aid, took to his blog earlier this week to share details about the school’s upcoming scheduled release of interview invitations to Round 2 applicants. “We will send two waves of interview invitations: January 25 and January 30,” he wrote. “I know it’s tough to wait that additional few days, but we do need the time to finalize interview invitations,” he added.

On January 25th, some applicants will receive a message inviting them to interview while others will hear nothing, he shared. The remainder of the second-round applicant pool can expect to learn on January 30th that either they, too, have been invited to interview or that they have been “released,” meaning that HBS can’t move them forward in their process, according to Losee. Notifications on both days will go out at 12 p.m. noon ET on the Application Status page.

Interviews will be held throughout the month of February on campus in Boston as well as in hub cities around the world. This year’s off-campus locations will take place in the California Bay Area, Dubai, London, Mumbai, New York City, Paris, Shanghai, and Tokyo. “If none of those locations works for you, we may be able to conduct your interview via Skype,” Losee added. “Wherever you interview, you’ll meet a member of the Admissions Board and have the same odds of being accepted.”

In a similar post last year, Losee discouraged applicants from submitting additional information about themselves in these final days of waiting. “I know waiting is tough, but please don’t send in any additional information at this point. We consider your application complete once you hit submit,” he wrote.

Of course, MBALiveWire will light up on Thursday with applicants in the earlier wave reporting their invites. And if there are any snags or delays in the release, reports of those will surely surface on LiveWire as well. You could choose—optimistically—to spend your waiting time preparing for an interview. The Clear Admit HBS Interview Guide can give you an important head start. It’s packed with vital, up-to-date interview preparation guidance, including commonly asked questions and advice on how to form strategy around the post-interview leg of the process.

Advice from actual interviewees, meanwhile, can be found in the following post:

Top HBS MBA Interview Tips from Actual Interviewees

And as always, remember that the Clear Admit Interview Archive also offers a repository of applicant-submitted details about the interview process.

Best of luck!