Daniela De Risco, Simon MBA Class of 2021
Age: 29
Hometown: Great Falls, Virginia
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Virginia Commonwealth University, Mass Communications
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): 7 years, Media and Healthcare — Marketing
Why business school? Why now?
I always knew that I wanted to pursue a graduate degree and after working in a corporate setting it became clear that a masters would help me advance in my career. I was between a Masters in Brand Management or an MBA but decided on the MBA because I wanted to make sure I focused on strengthening the hard skills. Now is the perfect time because I have enough work experience that I can apply to the material I will be learning in class.
Why Simon? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
Pursuing an MBA is a financial and time investment, so I wanted to make sure the program I chose, was going to challenge me. When I first heard about Simon, (through The Consortium) I was attracted to its quantitative and analytical focus. 100% that is not my background but I believe that we must be challenged and when we stretch ourselves is when we see real growth.
When I visited Simon, I knew right away Simon was it. It is a smaller class which I love because I feel like I am much more than a number and the sense of community is not explainable – you just have to experience it!
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2021?
My nephew describes me as a “magnet,” he says I can talk to anyone about anything and connect people, and I want to do just that in my class. I also like to ask the hard questions and bring up conversations to make us think about what really matters.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application?
I have been to over 50 vineyards and enjoy learning about the story behind each vineyard. I am super excited that Rochester has many vineyards to explore close to campus!
Post-MBA career interests?
Post-MBA I want to work in a brand management role for a company that values and focuses on multi-cultural audiences specifically the Hispanic market. The Hispanic population is the fastest-growing segment and accounts for almost half of the U.S population growth. I want to continue working with brands to reach this fast-growing population.
Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process.
I would say my favorite part of the application process was the people I met through school visits, diversity weekends, MBA fairs, etc. A group of us became really close through the process and although we all ended up going to different schools, we still keep in touch.
–One thing you would change or do differently?
I would have an open mind from the beginning. I was so set on going to a school in California (where I was living prior to Simon) or DC area (where I grew up) and ended up learning about Simon towards the end of the application cycle. I would suggest going into the process with an open mind, life sometimes surprises you with great detours!
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? Absolutely taking the GRE. Working a time-demanding job and studying while trying to keep a social life was tough! Setting a study schedule and sticking to it really helped. Also, make sure you surround yourself with people that will motivate you to keep going! In hindsight, that is how B-School will be like with recruiting, classes, clubs and social activities so I guess it was just a taste of what the next couple of years will be like.
What is your initial impression of Simon’s students/culture/community?
My initial impression is how diverse (in every aspect of the word) the class is. The diversity of thought is very apparent, and it will allow all of us to learn from each other and continue growing in our future careers.
You feel a sense of community and “pay it forward” mentality from everyone at Simon. I heard about it during the application process but when you are part of the community and see it all the time it becomes real, really fast. We have not officially started school and I have experienced the “family like/ tight-knight” community for sure!
One thing you have learned about Simon that has surprised you?
How well rounded the students are, IQ&EQ. I expected to be around very smart people (yes) but it is amazing that my classmates are also very emotionally intelligent – you can see it through the interactions in and outside of the classroom.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
Balance! There are so many things going on — recruiting, classes, clubs, social activities, etc. I am anxious about over-committing and not having enough time to get involved in all the great opportunities available to Simon students.
Thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I am excited to continue to bond and build relationships with my classmates. I am also very excited about the summer internship so I can put what I will be learning this first year to action!