Karthika Varma, IESE MBA Class of 2021
Age: 30
Hometown: Chennai, India
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Stella Maris College, Chennai – Bachelor of Commerce (Honors)
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): 9 years in accounting and advisory across multiple industries (primarily financial services and Manufacturing but also some experience in Aerospace & Defense, and Consumer Goods) and 2 years as an entrepreneur in the retail industry (co-founder of BISKIT, a unisex clothing label).
Why business school? Why now?
To be my own (successful) boss. Having spent 9 years working alongside mom-and-pop shop owners all the way up to Fortune 500 Company CFO’s across different industries, I have gained invaluable insights from these leaders and founders. Watching these incredible role models only fueled my own entrepreneurial ambition.
While simultaneously working for one of the largest professional service organizations in the world, I co-founded a clothing label with my husband and his sister. The past few years made me realize that my interests lie in the entrepreneurial space and retail sector but that I also lack industry experience and certain general management skills to problem-solve quicker, smarter and better.
The business school experience will help me fill in the crucial knowledge gap, provide access to a strong network of peers and industry leaders, as well as give me an experiential learning platform to problem solve where it is truly okay to make mistakes.
Why IESE? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
- Case Study Method. Being the kind of learner that I am, I need a fast paced, dynamic, and true-to-life teaching method to keep me on my toes, hyper-focused, and motivated. I understand what I need and IESE’s teaching structure fits perfectly with my requirements.
- For me, IESE is an entrepreneurship-focused investment. To surround myself with like-minded peers will provide me with significant returns. The school has a strong entrepreneurial focus, but more than that it emphasizes sustainable business with a purpose beyond just profit. This is the ultimate goal for me in the long run.
- Finally, with Barcelona as one of the centers of fashion and retail is invaluable in gaining real-time inspiration and industry knowledge. IESE’s location in the progressive Catalan capital is the perfect platform to develop my skills and catapult my entrepreneurial ambition. It also doesn’t hurt that I have the incredible beach on one side and the mountains on the other for those days when I just need a break!
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2021?
Having 9 years of work experience as a professional and as an entrepreneur, I have been exposed to different scenarios, moved between multiple cities and countries, and worked in different industries.
I have also been a part of every possible team structure, from being a team player to leading a 20-member unit across different geographies. I have a fair sense of what can make or break a great team with individuals of different age groups from different nationalities. I know the MBA can have some stressful days and projects; I hope I can leverage that same instinct to support my team and peers during both the best and most trying times during our journey.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application?
A couple of years back, I bungee jumped from the highest commercial point in the world (Macau Tower at 764 feet). I am not sure whether I had more fun doing the actual bungee jump or catching the horrified expression on a boatload of new tourists when they saw me tip over the edge.
Post-MBA career interests?
My post-MBA goal is to gain retail industry exposure through a Business Development Manager position in a prominent organization in this sector. Afterward I plan to return to my co-founders at BISKIT and focus on expanding its operations.
Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
School visits. While you can get all the school information you need from avenues such as online research, shiny school brochures, and talking to alumni, there is nothing akin to actually visiting the school.
Standing in the school campus and envisioning the next two years can help you determine if you can really see your future there. You create a connection with the school that you just cannot get from talking to people or doing online research.
Attending the IESE Assessment Day and visiting the school helped me understand how my life was going to be and what my future classmates would be like. It really solidified my decision to join the school.
–One thing you would change or do differently?
Timing. I spent too much time studying for the GMAT and enjoying NYC summer days when I should have been thinking about the schools and building content for my essays. That procrastination came at a great price and I spent Christmas/New Year’s pouring over essays, drafting my resume while suffering from writer’s block.
Everyone said it and I did not listen so I hope those of you who are reading this will: the essay is not a story of 500 words. The essay is a journey of your entire life up to the point you bring pen to paper to write it. Journeys take time and are meant to be enjoyable. Take your time to reflect, think about your future goals, and share it with your family/friends to get their opinions. Put your thoughts down and write a little bit every day. This will help you write a much better essay than just cramming it down in a week.
–Part you would have skipped if you could —and what helped you get through it?
The dreaded GMAT. I am not a great standardized test-taker and my nerves always get the better of me. Even writing about it now gives me PTSD syndrome. The immense support from my family and my own determination to conquer that beast pushed me through.
What is your initial impression of IESE’s students/culture/community?
A big, warm, welcoming hug from all 7 continents (or 5 – we are currently having a debate on our class telegram group about whether there are 5 or 7 continents). Everyone is there to help you out, push you forward, and support you through the journey. Our IESE class telegram group is essentially an e-support system; you will not go more than a couple of minutes without your question being answered or help coming your way, be it not having electricity and needing a couch to crash on, or arguing with your landlord about some dubious clauses in your Spanish rental contract. The class has your back.
One thing you have learned about IESE that has surprised you?
The absolutely incredible view from the North campus Terrace! The panoramic view spans almost the entire city and you can see Mt. Tibidabo, Sagrada Familia, the ocean — everything. Instead of revising for our Spanish exam, my Spanish class crew and I (shout-out to Equipo 1C!) went up to the terrace. We just hung out and took in the view. Hopefully there are more opportunities to hang out in the terrace.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
The word “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out) was first introduced into my vocabulary during the Alumni Panel Session at the IESE Assessment Day in New York. When asked how they kept up with the academic schedule, recruiting activities, social events, AND sleep during their time at IESE, they said FOMO is a real thing and it hits everyone at some point. You just need to pick your battles, which might mean sacrificing sleep somedays or sacrificing studies for a recruiting event.
I am anxious about the impending FOMO to hit but have it in the back of my mind to find the right balance between school and social events. I am leaving for Costa Brava next weekend and while that’s supposed to be a fun trip by itself, I am already anxious about what other event I will miss during that time!
Thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I am most excited about getting back to studying again. Yes, you heard me right and yes, I might change my mind later. The first thing that everyone warns you about is the intense academic workload at IESE, but I am ready to dive in. It has been a long time since I have hit the books and I am ready to learn from my professors and classmates, share what I already know, and pick up new skills.