Laura Nieto, Kelley MBA Class of 2021
Age: 26
Hometown: Oak Park, IL
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Boston College; Communications
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): Four years, Consumer Packaged Goods
Why business school? Why now?
I grew up in a CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) household, which instilled in me a natural curiosity around understanding the consumer and their motives. Working at Kimberly-Clark for the last four years allowed me to realize this passion and build a holistic business acumen. Getting an MBA will allow me to pivot from sales into marketing and specifically enhance both my digital and eCommerce skills as well as my strategic thinking.
Why Kelley? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
Not only was I attracted to their top-tier marketing program and graduate career services team, but I was immediately drawn to what everyone knows as the “Kelley Family.” Before even stepping foot onto campus, I felt as if I had a network. Kelley’s cohort sizes are big enough where you are building a great network but small enough that you are viewed as an individual. Kelley’s celebration of individuality promotes diversity and provides you with meaningful connections with faculty, staff and students.
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2021?
I think my formal training in communication and my sales background are a very unique combination. My love for understanding people and interpersonal dynamics coupled with a very traditional business acumen from my time at Kimberly-Clark allows me to provide a unique lens to group work and class discussion.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application?
I love to cook! When I lived in Boston, I took a seven-week cooking course at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts to sharpen my skills.
Post-MBA career interests?
Product Management and Business Development in the B2B space or Marketing Consulting.
Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
Experience Weekend in April! It is what ultimately sold me on Kelley. It is one thing to know what a school looks like on paper; it is another thing to actual live the experience for a few days. This weekend was a great opportunity to get a taste of the culture, classroom setting and I am now good friends with many of the people I met that weekend.
–One thing you would change or do differently?
I would give myself more time to write and rewrite my essays. The length restriction means you must be extremely impactful and pointed in telling your story. Be clear in your understanding of why you are going back to school and what you have to offer to a program. Lastly, seek feedback from others to make sure that your motivations are being portrayed in the most effective manner.
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
The GMAT!! Getting through the GMAT was very much a mental game for me. I had to remind myself that the time and preparation required for it was not a constant state but rather a hurdle to jump … That, and lots of coffee.
What is your initial impression of Kelley’s students/culture/community?
Everyone here is so incredibly welcoming. All my fellow students have made it incredibly easy to be vulnerable and share my experiences. This immediate build in trust is unlike any culture that I’ve experienced before, and I am excited to see how it enables us to help each other succeed.
One thing you have learned about Kelley that has surprised you?
The “Kelley Clap” surprised me. After every class, both the students and the professors end with a round of applause. The clap serves as a reminder that every opportunity we have to learn should be enjoyable. It also shows appreciation for all the work and learning that just came out of the class.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
Prioritizing! You can’t do it all, as tempting as it may be. Deciding what you want to be involved in and what classes, extracurriculars and relationships hold more weight can be a bit overwhelming. On the flipside, the freedom to own and create your own pathway is energizing.
Thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I am most excited for Academy Week. Kelley offers a unique experience in which every first-year participates in an Academy on Fridays. The Academies provide students with an intensive dive into their professional area of interest by bridging the gap between coursework and on-the job experience.
Academy Week allows students to travel as a group to different hubs across the U.S., visiting various companies within your industry. This week allows you to not only grow closer to your group but also explore new cities, companies and meet professionals at the top of their fields.