Ellen Noh, Tepper MBA Class of 2021
Age: 30
Hometown: Seoul, Korea
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Double majored in classical piano and communication at University of Southern California
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): Creative Product Marketing Manager at Jam City. Before then, mostly strategy roles in advertising/marketing agencies.
Why business school? Why now?
As I developed my career in marketing and advertising, I began to question the bigger purpose and impact that I could have. These self-reflective questions led my interest in corporate citizenship and governance; and instead of just telling the story of these values through advertising, I wanted to show everyone and lead by example.
This challenge can be addressed by helping businesses re-define success, achieve sustainable growth, and contribute to the greater good. To achieve this rather lofty goal, a MBA at Tepper is only the beginning of my journey.
Why Tepper? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
My short-term goal is to accumulate expertise in corporate strategy and management through consulting. I want to leverage the knowledge that I gained from Tepper & consulting experience to lead a tech company responsibly and consciously.
First and foremost, I had an interesting challenge of finding a school with a strong background in both tech and consulting.
Secondly, because I plan on being back on the west coast after my MBA, the school had to have a good track record of sending graduates there. Finally, I prioritized schools whose values aligned with my own, especially around diversity and inclusion.
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2021?
My background is heavily skewed toward creative and qualitative analysis, and it can provide a fresh perspective that not many can offer. I hope my passion for business ethics and diligence to look at long-term, unintended consequences of business practices could also inspire and empower my classmates to think bigger about their roles and impacts in their careers.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application?
I started playing classical piano since I was four years old, and I possess perfect pitch. Simply put, I can play a song on the piano just by listening.
Post-MBA career interests?
Post-MBA career interests would be strategy consulting. Although I’ve developed a strategic mindset from my communication strategy experience, I have a lot to learn in corporate strategy. I’m excited to continue developing my expertise at a consulting firm.
Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
Getting involved with Forte Foundation’s MBALaunch program. I’m the first person to go to an American college, let alone MBA; and I had no knowledge or resources. Joining a program as MBALaunch provided me with valuable application information and a network of fellow MBA applicants for emotional support. I highly recommend every applicant to join a similar program if you can.
–One thing you would change or do differently?
While I loved visiting every school that I’d applied before the application deadline. I wish I crystalized my MBA goals before doing so. It would have helped me gather more relevant information and evaluate the schools better.
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
Having to balance work & the MBA application process. Most of my career was in marketing agencies which require high commitment with a demanding schedule. I couldn’t have gotten through this without the support network from my friends, family, and Forte MBALaunch. The MBA application process can be grueling. Make sure you have the necessary support to keep you going.
What is your initial impression of Tepper’s students/culture/community?
I would say supportive and inclusive. My Forte MBALuanch mentor was a Tepper alum, and I couldn’t have gotten into the school without her help. She read my resume, essays, and even asked her former classmates for help as well. When I was deciding between schools, numerous Tepper students and alumni reached out to me to answer my questions. As an applicant, it showcased Tepper’s commitment to its students, current or prospective.
Tepper is a smaller community with approximately 200 students, which allows us to get to know one another. The designs of BaseCamp and classes also showcase how the school tries to allow us to interact with every classmate. I look forward to meeting everyone and become a better person from our interactions.
One thing you have learned about Tepper that has surprised you?
Before I started school, I was nervous that I didn’t fit into the mold of a perfect Tepper student. After all, the non-engineering background is a minority here. But I was delightfully surprised by the diversity of students, not just outward appearance, but perspectives as well.
Everyone has various personalities, passions, and stories, and is not afraid to share and connect with others. Instead of ostracizing different backgrounds and perspectives, we truly see this as an opportunity to learn and complement ourselves.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
Finding the balance of trying to maximize my time at Tepper without burning out. The feeling of FOMO is real and it’s easy to over-commit yourself. I’m trying my best to take a deep breath, prioritize, and listen to my body to avoid burnout.
Thing you are most excited about in your first year?
An opportunity to explore myself and learn as much as I can from classes & clubs. MBA presents a blank canvas to re-shape my professional life. As we grow older, an opportunity to just invest in yourself doesn’t come often, so I’m excited to take time to better myself in the next 2 years.