Today’s podcast is about the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) report that was recently published by the school. Loyal listeners of the podcast may recall that back in 2019 in Episode 69, we spoke about the school’s inaugural DEI report, which offered key background and insights on the school’s initiative. We once again welcome Professor Sarah A. Soule and Lori Nisihura MacKenzie to discuss the 2020 DEI report, related results and more. Isabel Andrade, a second-year Stanford MBA student, joins the conversation about diversity as well.
Before you tune in, here’s a bit more background about our guests, who are part of the team behind the initiatives and report at Stanford GSB.

Sarah Soule is in charge of DEI and she is a Morgridge Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford GSB. Her major areas of interest are organizational theory, social movements, and political sociology. Lori Nishiura Mackenzie is the DEI lead strategist and a cofounder of the new Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, collaborating at the intersection of the two organizations. Isabel Andrade is a second-year MBA and MA in Education candidate. She’s passionate about creating spaces where people can connect across differences, a passion she’s explored by serving on the GSB’s Diversity Committee.
Just press play below to learn more about Stanford GSB’s 2020 DEI report and how the program has made progress over the past year.

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