Pooja Chaudhary, Goizueta MBA Class of 2022![]()
Age: 26 years
Hometown: Delhi
Undergraduate Institution and Major: VIT University, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): 4 years, Consulting
Why business school? Why now?
At BCG, I focused my efforts on creating procurement transformation and change management solutions for our clients in the Middle East, South East Asia, and Europe. The opportunity of donning different hats, beyond my role as a Senior Analyst, had been exhilarating. After four solid years of expanding my role to its maximum capacity, I could see myself looking beyond the technical aspect of a business problem. This thought invigorated my sprint towards being a responsible business leader through education in business management.
Why Emory? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
It took around ninety-two days of dedicated research around schools that I believed would present the right mix of opportunities for the professional growth that I envisioned for myself. Emory took the top spot in my list with its people for people culture – be it in the classroom or around the alumni network. Moreover, the ‘Day one readiness’ was particularly impressive as it could potentially prepare us for the most unique challenges of life. Finally, the idea of being in the city of Atlanta sealed the deal with the amazing weather and the beautiful hikes around here!
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2022?
I guess I should thank my parents at this moment. It was only because of them that my natural self is more inclined towards attacking a problem from a creative tangent while challenging the commonly held notion. There are times when the problem definition presented to us fails to acknowledge that big elephant in the room. I like tickling that elephant every now and then.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application?
In 2013, I missed the last flight to Delhi before I was stuck at the Chennai airport for almost a week. The entire area was flooded, and rescue operations were being carried out in full swing. We slept on the conveyor belt and ate food from the airline pantry. This event inspired patience and reinforced resourcefulness in me. Now I can pack my bags in fifteen minutes for any length of a trip. We can call it my superpower!
Post-MBA career interests?
Strategy Consulting and Product Management
Advice to current prospective applicants:
Spend time with yourself and reflect on career aspects that truly matter to you. Make use of every networking opportunity that you are presented with. It is a highly rewarding experience. You get to know a lot about yourself. Enjoy every bit of it. Let it fully sink in that you are a leader in making!
What is your initial impression of Emory Goizueta’s students/culture/community?
I can choose to say so many things that are great about the culture at Emory, but it would be unwise of me to call it anything less than a home.
One thing you have learned about Emory Goizueta that has surprised you?
We get stuck in our minds around the superficial clock that we need to outpace to define our career. After coming here, I have realized there is no such clock. If you have the right intent and you trust the process, people around you at Emory would enable your efforts towards whatever you wish to achieve in the process.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
After coming to business school with relatively limited experience, I was initially a little hesitant of asking questions around people with such wide and varied portfolios. But then I have been told there are no bad questions. Believe me – there aren’t any!
Thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I am a first-generation candidate and a Forte fellow. Both these aspects of my profile inspire constant motivation and excitement towards being a better version of myself every single day.