‘Tis the holiday season and we’re bringing you a festive short series inspired by Real Humans: MBA Students, called Real Humans for the Holidays! Read what students and alumni of top MBA programs like to do during the December holidays and their advice for our readers. Scroll down to see what five MBA students chose in a “This or That” game. You can also win a gift this season by participating in the Clear Admit Giveaway on LinkedIn!
Jessica Berry, Wharton MBA Class of 2024![]()
What do you like most about the December holidays?
I’ve lived away from family for a while now and I always love the holiday season because I get to spend amazing quality time with them! Nothing better than reconnecting with loved ones over a delicious holiday meal.
What is your favorite holiday movie or book?
I’m a sucker for “Love Actually!” Never gets old.
Do you have any advice or well wishes for current MBA applicants?
The application season is stressful – don’t forget to take some time to reconnect with family and friends! Getting a little break may be exactly what you need to make it through the final push to deadlines.
“This or That”
Jessica would rather celebrate December Holidays with family, wearing Christmas PJs, and drinking hot chocolate. She also prefers giving gifts over getting ones.
Tamjeed Sayee Kashem, Rochester Simon MBA Class of 2024
What do you like most about the December holidays?
Taking a break from classes and recruitment to take a breather and come back stronger next year!
What is your favorite holiday movie or book?
“Groundhog Day”
Do you have any advice or well wishes for current MBA applicants?
Congratulations on Round 1! Take a moment to breathe! If you’re applying in Round 2, breathe again and remember all the hard work you’ve put in already! All will be well!
“This or That”
Tamjeed likes to celebrate December Holidays with family, wearing an ugly sweater, and drinking hot chocolate. He is the one who likes giving gifts more than getting them.
Cherise Brookes, WUSTL Olin MBA Class of 2024
What do you like most about the December holidays?
Spending time with friends and family. Getting to reflect on the whole year and all the things I am grateful for.
What is your favorite holiday movie or book?
Home Alone 1 & 2
Do you have any advice or well wishes for current MBA applicants?
Take the time to enjoy life with your friends and family, you only live once and Christmas time is meant for this.
“This or That”
Cherise would rather celebrate December Holidays with family, wearing Christmas PJs, drinking hot chocolate as well as getting and unpacking long-awaited presents.
Nashad Carrington, WUSTL Olin MBA Class of 2024
What do you like most about the December holidays?
The opportunity to rest, relax, and recharge.
What is your favorite holiday movie or book?
My favorite movie is “Jingle Jangle.”
Do you have any campus community events or traditions at your school for the holidays?
My wife and I host a holiday collection event for under-resourced community members in St. Louis; I’m excited to do it again this year.
Do you have any advice or well wishes for current MBA applicants?
Enjoy the break, I hope your time was well-spent during the semester, and recruiting is working out in the ways that you hoped.
“This or That”
Nashad opts for the Eggnog team. He likes to give gifts, celebrate December Holidays with family and wear an ugly sweater rather than Christmas pajamas.
Daniel Morrison, USC Marshall MBA Class of 2023
What do you like most about the December holidays?
Eating pie!
What is your favorite holiday movie or book?
“It’s a Wonderful Life”….you can’t beat it!
Do you have any advice or well wishes for current MBA applicants?
Take some time over the holidays to recharge! Applying to schools can be a grind, and if you want to be your best self for interview season, you need to engage in some self care.
“This or That”
Daniel’s choice is to celebrate December Holidays with family, wearing an ugly sweater, and drinking hot chocolate. He also prefers giving gifts over getting ones.