The Clear Admit Real Humans Series spotlights current students and alumni of the top MBA programs. Each of them will share their current MBA experiences, what they did after they were accepted to the MBA programs, post-MBA career journey and more.
Join us at 8 pm ET on Tuesday, June 20th to learn about:
1. Choosing a School and Admissions: How did you pick your program? What was the toughest part about applying?
2. MBA Application Tips: What took the longest to get ready in your application? Did you hear anything negative about applying that ended up being not true? If you could start over, what advice would you give yourself?
3. After MBA Life & Recruiting: What has been the most rewarding part of their MBA experience? Do you have any insights or advice about the internship recruiting process?
All of this and more!
Register below to join this session – we hope to see you there!
Date: Jun 20
Time: 8 pm-9 pm Panel
(all times Eastern)
Here are the panelists you will meet:

Register for the MBA Real Humans: Students & Alumni – LIVE Webinar via the button below! Even if you cannot make it, register below and we will provide you access to the recording. We hope to see you there!