Weekly Roundup for Clear Admit’s MBA Podcast
In this week’s MBA Admissions podcast we began by discussing the upcoming Round 1 deadlines; for this week it’s Texas / McCombs; we are also seeing Round 1 interview invites on MBA LiveWire for Dartmouth / Tuck, Northwestern / Kellogg, Yale SOM, Stanford and Harvard, which released all its Round 1 interview invites last week. This week, London Business School and INSEAD are scheduled to release Round 1 interview invites.
Graham highlighted two events Clear Admit is hosting in the upcoming weeks: one is a Real Humans event featuring MBA students from leading programs, the second is an event Clear Admit is hosting with Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT). Last week, we hosted our monthly Clear Admit+ event, which focused on Round 1 interview prep. It was a very good event, with lots of terrific questions from the audience. Our next Clear Admit+ event will be held in early November.
Graham then highlighted an Adcom Q&A with Northwestern / Kellogg, and detailed a couple of new classes the program is offering; one focused on AI and the rules for AI, the second focused on energy financing with a focus on sustainable energy. Graham then mentioned several Real Humans profiles, published on Clear Admit, from Indiana / Kelley, CMU / Tepper, and ASU / Carey.
We then discussed several class profiles that have been announced, from Stanford, Chicago / Booth, UVA / Darden, Cornell / Johnson and Berkeley / Haas. The numbers from Stanford are just really impressive, but all programs appear to be holding quite steady with their class profiles, despite a small downturn in application volumes.
As usual, for the candidate profile review portion of the show, Alex selected three ApplyWire entries.
Three MBA Admissions Candidates Reviewed.
This week’s first MBA admissions candidate has a super GMAT of 780, and a slightly low-than-average GPA (3.4). They were super busy during their undergraduate studies. They appear to have had an interesting career path in fintech, and now want to move over to media, with a tech focus. They also have very decent activities outside of work.
This week’s second MBA candidate worked as a school teacher before switching to human resources at a consulting firm. Her numbers are a little on the lighter side (680 / 3.3), and she is now doing MBA Math. She applied to MBA programs in Round 1, so should be getting some early indications on where she stands. We think it might make sense to look at a couple of Top 16 programs for Round 2, and to consider retaking the GMAT, if necessary.
The final MBA candidate is a sponsored candidate from PWC. They’ve worked in strategy consulting, and will return, but they also have a nice focus on biotech and healthcare; they have very solid additional activities. A strong GMAT of 760 also helps. They do look like a decent candidate for M7 programs.
Fintech to media
Teacher to human resources
Strategy consulting to Biotech
Happy listening!
This episode of Wire Taps is brought to you by Emory Goizueta.
For more than 100 years, Emory University’s Goizueta Business School has been a training ground for principled leaders and a laboratory for powerful insights. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your career or make a career pivot, Emory’s One-Year and Two-Year Full-time MBA programs prepare you for a lifetime of career confidence. Learn more about Emory’s top-20 MBA with top-5 career outcomes offering world-class academics and small-by-design classes delivered in a dynamic, global city. Learn more.

Be sure to post to MBA ApplyWire, MBA DecisionWire or MBA RankingsWire if you’d like Graham and Alex to offer admissions advice.
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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, and produced by Dennis Crowley. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us!