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Real Humans of the UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2025

Image for Real Humans of the UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2025

Virginia Eastwood, UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2025

Age: 29
Hometown: Monterey, CA
Undergraduate Institution and Major: San Diego State University, Television, Film, & New Media Production
Pre-MBA Work Experience (role, company, years) : Marketing Operations, DreamWorks Animation, 2022-2023; Franchise Management, NBCUniversal, 2018-2021

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
The decision to pursue business school was prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the shift it had on my career trajectory. Witnessing the instability and widespread layoffs within entertainment, it became increasingly apparent that I needed a robust set of both technical and soft skills to thrive in such a dynamic environment. I specifically felt the need to enhance my financial acumen and expand my leadership capabilities.

As I reflect on my first year as a full-time student at UCLA Anderson, my experience has been nothing short of transformative. The immersive learning experience at Anderson (through both the academic courses and student-led environment) has not only accelerated my professional growth but has also been pivotal in refining my career goals. 

Why did you choose UCLA Anderson? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
I began my MBA application process by focusing only on programs that were deeply involved in the entertainment industry. UCLA Anderson stood out with its entertainment specialization, having an entire professional club dedicated to it—the Entertainment Management Association. Moreover, the program’s impressive roster of alumni and faculty who have extensive entertainment experience solidified my interest in the program. Location played a significant role too. Being situated in Los Angeles, UCLA Anderson has the geographical advantage of offering invaluable opportunities for networking, internships, and hands-on experience.

Beyond career prospects, I prioritized a program that fostered holistic growth and placed a strong emphasis on leadership development. UCLA Anderson’s curriculum encourages this, with core classes such as Foundations of Leadership and Ethical Decision Making, and through offering personalized leadership coaching. To me, this exemplified the program’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded professionals, preparing them to tackle real-world challenges.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2025?
My unconventional, creative background sets me apart as an MBA candidate. Coming from an undergraduate degree in Film & Television Production, and a career in Entertainment Marketing, I bring a perspective that diverges from the traditional MBA candidate profile. Navigating courses such as Financial Accounting and Global Economics has been a steep learning curve for me, as these subjects dive deep into topics that I am unfamiliar with. Although, I have found strength in being a creative amongst analytical peers. When problem-solving cases, my classmates value the insights I offer and appreciate the different angles I bring. This creates a rich learning environment, with innovative solutions, when both creative and analytical minds collaborate.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application.
I love backpacking! Backpacking is a journey of personal growth and discovery for me, all while travelling to the most beautiful landscapes. At Anderson, I am a member of our interest club, the Outdoor Adventure Club. Through this club, I have embarked on hikes and camping trips with my classmates. This has helped me connect with my peers on a more personal level, creating unforgettable memories with like-minded adventurers. 

Post-MBA career interests
Post-MBA, my career path is firmly rooted in the entertainment industry, driven by my passion for storytelling. This summer, I am excited to embrace a new challenge through an internship in Content Acquisitions at Hulu. This internship not only grants me deeper insight into a different facet of the entertainment landscape but also facilitates the opportunity to broaden my skill set beyond marketing. I look forward to the insights this internship will provide, and I plan to use this learning experience as a steppingstone in my post-MBA career journey.

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
I worked with MBA admissions consultant, and I cannot stress enough the value it brought to my application. I initially was feeling disconnected in the process, and unsure of how to maximize my chances of getting into my top choices. The consultant provided invaluable insights and guidance that I could have never found through online research. I chose the smallest package available, with limited hours, due to budget constraints, and even that impact was exponential. I highly recommend this investment!

What is one thing you would change or do differently?
Start earlier. I began studying for the GMAT in late summer, with my application due the first week of January. Naively, I underestimated the time required for thorough preparation. As a result, I found myself in a tight squeeze, racing against the clock to complete everything on time.

While I ultimately submitted my applications punctually and secured acceptance to my desired programs, the compressed timeline added unnecessary stress to an already demanding process. Starting earlier would have alleviated much of the last-minute pressure and afforded me the opportunity to approach the application journey with greater ease and confidence.

What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
I wouldn’t skip any part of it… sorry! Even the most demanding aspects, such as rigorous preparation for the GMAT, proved to be invaluable in shaping and strengthening my candidacy.

What is your initial impression of the UCLA Anderson students/culture/community?
My initial impression of the UCLA Anderson students, culture, and community was overwhelmingly positive. Attending ‘A Days,’ the admit weekend for Round 2 applicants, was pivotal in my decision-making process. Meeting the warm and inclusive students who would potentially be my peers in the Full-Time MBA program solidified my enthusiasm for Anderson. Additionally, the diverse range of backgrounds and impressive accomplishments among my future classmates was truly inspiring. Ultimately, it was this sense of belonging and shared ambition amongst the students that affirmed my decision to choose Anderson as the next chapter in my academic and professional journey.

What is one thing you have learned about UCLA Anderson that has surprised you?
UCLA Anderson’s active emphasis on a community of “shared success” was pleasantly surprising. Prior to joining the program, I had heard cautionary tales from friends in other MBA programs about competitiveness and transactional relationships among students. This made me a bit apprehensive throughout the application process, as I wondered about whether I could find a community where I would thrive. However, I quickly realized that the UCLA Anderson pillar of “shared success” isn’t just a slogan—it’s a lived reality. Whether it’s through study groups, networking events, or extracurricular activities, there’s a level of support amongst students that transcends competition. I believe this a testament to the program’s commitment to fostering successful professionals who are also transformative leaders.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.