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MBA Wire Taps 386—750 GMAT, partner considerations. 329 GRE or 720 GMAT. Reapplying to Marshall

Image for MBA Wire Taps 386—750 GMAT, partner considerations. 329 GRE or 720 GMAT. Reapplying to Marshall

Weekly Roundup for Clear Admit’s MBA Podcast

In this week’s MBA Admissions podcast we began by discussing the activity on MBA LiveWire; we are starting to see interview invites released for Round 1 for programs like Yale SOM, Berkeley / Haas, and Northwestern / Kellogg. Upcoming this week, we have several Round 1 deadlines including MIT / Sloan, Duke / Fuqua, UCLA / Anderson, CMU / Tepper, USC / Marshall, Washington / Foster, Washington / Olin, Maryland / Smith, SMU / Cox, Minnesota / Carlson, UVA / Darden, Emory / Goizueta and Georgia Tech / Scheller. Oxford / Said has its Stage 2 deadline, too.

Graham highlighted the upcoming webinar focused on MBA programs from the West Coast, including Berkeley / Haas, Stanford, UCLA / Anderson, Washington / Foster and UC / Irvine. Signups are here:

Graham then highlighted two recently published admissions tips focused on letters of support, and different types of MBA admissions interviews. Graham then noted two Real Humans stories, focused on MBA students at Cornell / Johnson and London Business School.

We then discussed three recently published class profiles, from Harvard, MIT / Sloan and Dartmouth / Tuck. Like prior profiles for this season, application volumes are up, and the profile of the incoming classes remains strong. This did, however, lead to a discussion regarding median GMAT scores versus GRE scores.

Finally, Graham noted a recently published podcast he hosted with David Simpson of London Business School.

For this week, for the candidate profile review portion of the show, Alex selected three ApplyWire entries.

Three MBA Admissions Candidates Reviewed.

This week’s first MBA admissions candidate has an outstanding academic profile, with a 3.85 GPA and 750 GMAT score. They have a health care focus, and as part of their school selection, they need to consider their partner’s continuing career.

This week’s second MBA candidate has a 720 GMAT and a 329 GRE, which led to a conversation as to which is better. They have a strong technical focus, which includes their own entrepreneurial experience.

The final MBA candidate for this week is a reapplicant for USC / Marshall. They have improved their GRE score, and other elements of their profile should also be improved. We suggest they also apply to UCLA / Anderson.

750 GMAT, partner considerations

MBA applicant with a 750 GMAT and 3.85 GPA.

329 GRE or 720 GMAT

MBA applicant with a 720 GMAT and 329 GRE. Which is better?

Reapplying to Marshall

MBA applicant who is reapplying to USC / Marshall, with a better GRE score.

This episode of Wire Taps is brought to you by Emory Goizueta.

For more than 100 years, Emory University’s Goizueta Business School has been a training ground for principled leaders and a laboratory for powerful insights. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your career or make a career pivot, Emory’s One-Year and Two-Year Full-time MBA programs prepare you for a lifetime of career confidence. Learn more about Emory’s top-20 MBA with top-5 career outcomes offering world-class academics and small-by-design classes delivered in a dynamic, global city. Learn more.

Clear Admit MBA Admissions Podcast
Clear Admit MBA Admissions Podcast
MBA Wire Taps 386—750 GMAT, partner considerations. 329 GRE or 720 GMAT. Reapplying to Marshall

Be sure to post to MBA ApplyWire, MBA DecisionWire or MBA RankingsWire if you’d like Graham and Alex to offer admissions advice.

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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, and produced by Dennis Crowley. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us!

Alex Brown
Alex is a co host for Clear Admit's Wire Taps podcast. He has spent 30 years in the MBA admissions industry, and authored the book: Becoming a Clear Admit: The Definitive Guide to MBA Admissions Alex also teaches digital marketing through executive education programs for London Business School, Imperial College Business School and Columbia Business School.