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Real Humans: Duke Fuqua MBA Class of 2026 Students

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Duke Fuqua MBA students

 Carolina León Hopfenblatt, Duke Fuqua MBA Class of 2026

Age: 30
Hometown: Santiago, Chile
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Universidad de Los Andes, Business administration
Pre-MBA Work Experience: I have 4 years of experience in the retail industry. I first worked for 3 years as a Digital Sales Manager at Columbia Sportswear (FORUS), where I focused on driving online sales. After that, I spent 1 year as an E-commerce Product Manager for South America at H&M, specifically in the Women’s Fashion department.

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
In the two companies where I worked, both were in the early stages of implementing online sales channels, facing numerous challenges. For me, this was an incredible challenge and a highly enriching experience, as my team and I developed and implemented initiatives that boosted the growth of e-commerce and overall company sales.

After four years of experience, I realized that e-commerce in South American retail still has significant room for improvement in terms of knowledge and practices. For the most part, this channel grew out of necessity during the pandemic rather than through innovative business strategy. It was at this point that I recognized my desire to be involved in strategic decision-making processes within the company and to lead the e-commerce department.

To achieve this goal, I need to gain new knowledge and tools that will allow me to develop in this field, which is still relatively new. Additionally, I consider it essential to enhance and strengthen my leadership skills.

Why did you choose Duke Fuqua? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
I always considered Fuqua as one of my top choices due to its prestigious reputation. However, what truly led me to choose Fuqua was my experience during the application process, where I could tangibly feel the “Team Fuqua” culture. Examples of this were the unique application essays, like the “25 Fun Facts,” and the genuine approachability and support of the Alumni and admissions team. This demonstrated to me that, beyond its academic excellence, Fuqua is committed to developing well-rounded professionals who prioritize ethical values and collaboration as core principles.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2026?
My most valuable contribution to the Class of 2026 is my background in the Fashion Retail sector, which is relatively uncommon in the MBA program. This experience allows me to bring unique and valuable perspectives, especially considering the recent challenges faced by the retail industry in my country due to local economic conditions. Additionally, I can enrich the class by sharing professional and cultural insights from my country, offering a different and relevant perspective to academic and group discussions.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application:
At a costume party, I dressed up as my husband for a contest and ended up beating him.

Post-MBA career interests:
CPG, Retail, or Entertainment industries.

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
One thing I would definitely do again in my application process is the 25 Fun Facts essay. This was one of the aspects that caught my attention the most among all the MBA applications I completed and was a key factor in my decision to choose Fuqua. It’s a disruptive way for the university to get to know you, and at the same time, a fun and unique way to look back, reflect on who you are, and how you will contribute to Fuqua in a distinctive way. It truly highlights what makes us special.

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?
If I had to do something differently, it would definitely be applying in Early Action and speaking with more people to gather more information. In my case, I applied in Round 2 and was placed on the waitlist, which left me with very little time to prepare and improve my application. Had I been in the same situation but applied in Early Action, I would have had more time to adjust my strategy and strengthen my candidacy.

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
If I could have skipped one part of the process, it would definitely have been the GMAT. It was very challenging to balance work with studying for this exam, but what helped me the most was studying alongside my husband, who also got into Fuqua. Studying together allowed us to motivate each other and organize our time to balance everything as effectively as possible.

What is your initial impression of the Duke Fuqua students/culture/community?
My initial impression of the students, culture, and community at Duke Fuqua is that it is a highly diverse environment, with people from all over the world, different ages, and various backgrounds. Despite these differences, everyone shares and embodies the “Team Fuqua” spirit, always willing to support and help in whatever you need, making you feel at home away from home.

What is one thing you have learned about Duke Fuqua that has surprised you?
One thing that has surprised me about Fuqua is how, despite its diversity and having students from all over the world, both international and American students are often “away from home.” This creates a natural empathy among students, fostering a strong, united community rather than dividing into cultural subgroups, which makes Fuqua truly inclusive.

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
What makes me most anxious in my first year is securing a good internship. However, I trust in the university’s timelines and processes to guide me through this journey.

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year?
What excites me the most about my first year is meeting new people, expanding my network, exploring new places, traveling, and building long-lasting friendships.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and criminal justice, and has extensive experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.