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Real Humans of the London Business School MBA Class of 2026

Image for Real Humans of the London Business School MBA Class of 2026

London Business School experience

Alex Wambugu, London Business School’s MBA Class of 2026

Age: 31
Hometown: Nairobi, Kenya
Undergraduate Institution and Major: University of Nairobi, Kenya; BSc. Actuarial Science
Pre-MBA Work Experience: 8.5 years (4.5 years as a Financial Analyst at the International Finance Corporation and 4 years as an Actuarial, Risk and Compliance Officer at Britam Holdings Limited)

Why did you make the decision to attend business school?
I decided to attend business school to refine my leadership and management skills and to grow my global network.

Why now?
I believe that my experience so far has afforded me a great avenue to strengthen my core technical skills and now is the right time to create a similar space to focus on my strategic, leadership and management skills in order to be a more complete professional.

Why did you choose LBS? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
LBS’s global focus and mission to challenge the status quo and develop international business leaders strongly resonated with me, as I aspire to lead across borders in a fast-paced environment. The prospect of joining a global alumni network that supports one another was equally appealing.

Location was another key factor. As one of the world’s financial hubs, London offers numerous opportunities to engage with financial institutions, many of which have operations in Africa. London’s multicultural nature also provides the chance to connect with people from all over the world. 

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2026?
I bring a unique set of experiences from navigating business environments across Africa, the US, and Latin America. My understanding of these markets and their challenges will allow me to provide valuable insights and perspectives to my class. Working in these regions and in culturally diverse workplaces has taught me how to navigate different cultures with ease. I plan to help my classmates adapt, especially in a world that is becoming increasingly intolerant.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application:
A dare from friends led me to try karaoke, and the adrenaline rush was so addictive that it quickly became a regular activity. As a bonus, it’s helped me tackle my stage fright and improve my singing voice – though it’s still far from perfect!

Post-MBA career interests:
I am currently exploring Private Equity, Investment Banking and Consulting and plan to narrow down in the next couple of weeks.

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
The reflection process when writing my application essays and the feedback process with my recommenders. While this helped me put in a strong application, I also discovered a lot about myself in the process. This really helped me gain more clarity on my goals, expectations of myself and my flaws. It is a practice that I have now included in my day-to-day life with an aim to live a more deliberate life.

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?
Apply during Round 1 instead of Round 2. Applying in September would have helped me avoid the busy December work and Christmas period. It would have also made planning for the school phase after acceptance a much easier and longer process, as there are several logistical processes that are triggered once accepted. Having more time is probably beneficial for perfectionists like me. 

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
Preparing for the GMAT exam. Juggling work, personal commitments and studying was not fun in any way. I missed some fun times in the process. However, I was fortunate enough to have prepared for the exam with a colleague and good friend at work and we took comfort in suffering together during the preparation process. 

Alex Wambugu kayaking on the Potomac, Washington, D.C.

What is your initial impression of the LBS students/culture/community?
Already coming from a diverse work environment, I am impressed by the variety in backgrounds, industries, and experience of my class. In addition, the whole community is very warm and helpful, and you feel right at home from the beginning.

What is one thing you have learned about LBS that has surprised you?
A pleasant surprise was how from the start, the school is deeply focused on improving our personal and interpersonal soft skills. There are a number of resources and support systems readily available to guide you and push you to be the best version of yourself based on your personal needs.

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
Not taking full advantage of the incredible opportunities available both in and out of class or missing out on them completely. Being someone who loves new experiences, there are several activities that I want to be involved in through the clubs, events and treks at LBS and it is becoming very clear that I cannot be involved in everything.

What is one thing you are most excited about in the first year of your London Business School experience?
It’s difficult to choose only one thing so I’ll choose two. Creating new experiences with my class and getting to know them in the process. Their personal and professional experiences are truly inspiring (and very different from mine) and I can’t wait to learn and live through them. The second one, is the opportunity to explore London, the UK and Europe. Having not been in the region before, I am excited to experience the different cultures and explore the sights.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and criminal justice, and has extensive experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.