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Real Humans of the MSU Broad MBA Class of 2026

Image for Real Humans of the MSU Broad MBA Class of 2026

MSU Broad mba students

Lia Moore, MSU Broad MBA Class of 2026

Age: 22
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Michigan State University – Major: Psychology & Minor: Human Behaviors and Entrepreneurship 
Pre-MBA Work Experience: 0 years of corporate work experience; 2023 summer internship at Humanex Ventures as Client services; undergraduate military research for Michigan State I-O Psychology Department in spring 2024, teachers assistant at St Elena Primary school in Belize, and CEO and Founder of TropicalPillow LLC starting as of January 2024.  

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now? 
I wanted to continue my education in business because I wanted to explore all aspects of business and the science of how it all works together, especially with the start of my own company. I went directly from undergrad to business school, so I did not want much of a break. Although I don’t have work experience to speak on, my entrepreneurial spirit allowed me to be introduced to the business world. 

Why did you choose MSU Broad? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
I obtained my undergraduate degree at Michigan State, so I wanted to continue my education at a school where I’ve already built a community, mentors, and list of resource advantages. I knew that Michigan State had the resources to push me into any career path that I wanted to. Therefore, it was a “no brainer” as to where I would further my education. But, I specifically chose MSU Broad because of their active recruitment of diverse talent in the undergraduate population. I happened to be selected out of that pool, and I was able to be educated on what an MBA is, the advantages of an MBA, and the specific advantages MSU Broad provides. 

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2026?
My most valuable contribution to the Class of 2026 is that I had a successful road map within Michigan State prior to starting the MBA Program. I was a student-athlete, face of undergraduate student organizations, master connector, and proactive student in the broad college through entrepreneurial programs and resources. Although I have no corporate work experience, I took substantial initiative to create a career path in undergrad that will translate to future endeavors whether it is continued within the entrepreneurial or corporate space.  

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application: 
The fun fact that I didn’t get to include on my application is that I pursued a career in entertainment during my undergraduate experience by executive producing and hosting two shows and starring in three commercials. 

Post-MBA career interests:
My post-MBA career interests are continuing to grow and scale my company, TropicalPillow, and pursue a career in the business side of entertainment with companies such as Warner Brothers, Netflix, LiveNation, or SonyPictures Entertainment.  

 Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
I would attend all the pre-MBA events and interact with current staff and students. There will be opportunities to interact through panel discussions, webinars, exploration programs, and many more events. Attending these events and interacting with Broad MBA staff and candidates allowed me to understand the full spectrum of the program and the culture. Every school is different in terms of the structure, culture, and advantages. Being able to immerse within the environment allows for proper decision-making, culture fit tests, and pre-exposure to what is to come after acceptance.  

 –What is one thing you would change or do differently?
One thing I would do differently is plan for the costs and housing arrangements earlier. When pursuing higher education, there will be additional costs, such as, conference registrations, deposits for housing arrangements, extracurricular activity dues and more, that make the MBA experience a little more daunting. All the additional costs are worth it. But, it needs to be planned prior to coming.  

 –What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
 I don’t wish to skip any part of the process, because it all built me up to being an MBA candidate. One daunting thing was the summer networking before coming to the MBA program. But, it created perfect practice and networking experience that is going to be needed during recruiting season.  

What is your initial impression of the MSU Broad students/culture/community?
My initial impression is about the excellent MSU Broad culture of wanting to help students achieve their career goals and the family/collaborative atmosphere. There are plenty of resources available that expose students to a variety of industries and people that work within them. The support and encouragement to immerse oneself in the process of pursuing a dream career is unlimited. In addition to the pursuit, one can gain a family and community.  

What is one thing you have learned about MSU Broad that has surprised you?
One thing I learned about MSU Broad that surprised me is the team-based atmosphere. Previously, I assumed master’s programs are very individualistic. But, MSU Broad is the exact opposite. The program is set up in cohorts and teams, which promotes community building. It forces everyone to integrate, lean on, and support each other. It is very beautiful, because everyone can interact with different backgrounds, cultures, and personalities that they may have never had the opportunity to before.  

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
One thing I was most anxious about within my first year was balancing my schoolwork, career exploration, and personal endeavors. I didn’t want to feel so drowned in schoolwork that it affects the other aspects of my life that are just as important. But, I am finding balance, which is great practice for life post-MBA.  

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year? 
One thing I am excited about during my first year is the memories I am creating with my peers. Yes, securing an internship, performing well in my classes, and creating a networked community is important. But, the memories I create with my peers is something I won’t get back. I am looking forward to embracing the good and the bad moments with them so that we can look back and remember what we accomplished together. 

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.