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Real Humans of the Rice Business MBA Class of 2026

Image for Real Humans of the Rice Business MBA Class of 2026

rice university mba class 2026

Lindsey Pesqueira, Rice Business MBA Class of 2026

Age: 24
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Santa Clara University, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Pre-MBA Work Experience: Software Engineer II, Dell Technologies, Austin, TX (2 years)

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
During my undergraduate studies, I earned a minor in entrepreneurship, which first introduced me to the world of business and sparked my interest in understanding how companies operate beyond the technical realm. However, the majority of my career was spent as a software engineer, where I focused on building and implementing complex technical solutions. While this experience provided me with a strong technical foundation, I gradually realized that I was interested in the bigger picture — the strategic decisions that drove the projects I was working on and the business impact of the technology I was creating. I recognized that in order to move beyond a purely technical role and contribute more meaningfully to the overall direction of a company, I needed to pursue an MBA. Here, I will develop skills and knowledge to bridge the gap between technology and strategy, and advance my career in a more holistic and impactful way.

Why did you choose Rice Business? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
During an MBA networking event in Austin, I was truly blown away by the strength and connectivity of the Rice alumni network. The way alumni communicated with each other was remarkable, showcasing a deep sense of community and mutual support. What stood out to me was the willingness of alumni to not only connect, but to genuinely help and care about each others’ success. This experience underscored the unique accessibility of the Rice network, where you can reach out to anyone and they will eagerly support you.

Additionally, interacting with fellow students during Admit Weekend made me realize that the possibilities at Rice Business are limitless. The collaborative environment and the opportunities to explore various career paths were inspiring and empowering. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to engage with the Liu Idea Lab, where I can fully immerse myself in the world of entrepreneurship. I believe that entrepreneurship offers a powerful foundation for all areas of business, and I am eager to cultivate this mindset and skill set throughout my time at Rice.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2026?
Coming from a background in both athletics and software engineering, I bring a unique blend of discipline, teamwork and technical expertise to the Class of 2026. My experience as a Division I tennis team captain has instilled in me a strong sense of leadership, resilience and the ability to perform under pressure — qualities that are essential in both sports and business. Moreover, my professional experience employing technical skills in software engineering and cybersecurity demonstrates success in driving innovation and efficiency in a fast-paced industry. I offer a distinctive perspective that bridges the gap between strategic thinking and practical execution. This combination allows me to approach challenges with a balanced mindset, integrating the rigor and precision of technology with the collaborative and goal-oriented team approach. My background differentiates me, and positions me to contribute in unique ways to team projects, class discussions and the broader Rice MBA community.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application:
I love the outdoors! While working on my applications for business school, I was most likely waiting for a bite from a catfish on the Colorado River with my brown-spotted dalmatian. 

Post-MBA career interests:
I am particularly drawn to roles in strategy, where I can leverage my analytical skills, leadership experience and technical background to drive business growth and innovation. I’m excited by the dynamic nature of strategic roles, which often involve solving complex problems, guiding organizational direction, and making impactful decisions.

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
When applying to business school, I placed a strong emphasis on achieving a competitive GMAT score, believing that it would significantly strengthen my application and enhance my chances for scholarships. While this focus was important prior to submitting my application, I am now grateful for the time I invested in visiting various campuses and connecting with current students after receiving my acceptances. These visits were invaluable. The insights and advice I received from students not only guided me through the pre-MBA recruiting process, but also helped me better prepare for the challenges and opportunities of the MBA itself. The shared experiences provided a deeper understanding of each program’s culture, allowing me to make a more informed decision about where to continue my studies.

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?
I made the decision to apply to business school in August, just as the application cycle was getting underway. At that point, I hadn’t taken the GMAT or visited any campuses, yet I was determined to apply for Round 1. This decision left me with only two months to prepare my entire application while balancing my full-time job. Reflecting on the experience, if I had the chance to do it again, I would have given myself significantly more time to navigate the process — time to prepare more thoroughly, visit schools and craft the strongest application possible without the added pressure of a tight deadline.

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
I would have skipped placing unnecessary pressure on myself. Given the tight timeline I had to submit my MBA application, I was compelled to operate with extreme efficiency and focus. The pressure of the deadline pushed me to prioritize my efforts, ensuring that every step I took and every decision I made directly contributed to strengthening my application. This urgency demanded that I be strategic in how I prepared, from studying for the GMAT to crafting my essays, and ultimately, it positioned me exactly where I needed to be. 

What is your initial impression of the Rice Business students/culture/community?
Upon arriving at Rice, I was impressed not only by the diversity within my class, but also by the diversity across the entire campus. The breadth of experiences and backgrounds available here is inspiring. I am eager to engage with this vibrant community, learn from the unique perspectives of my peers, and see how the diverse viewpoints enrich our discussions and lead to more informed and innovative solutions.

What is one thing you have learned about Rice Business that has surprised you?
I am impressed by the strength and generosity of the Rice alumni network. Even before setting foot on campus, I had the opportunity to connect with numerous alumni who have been remarkably eager to offer their support, whether through valuable advice, mentorship, or simply sharing their experiences. This sense of community has validated  my decision to attend Rice and makes me feel welcomed and supported in my MBA journey.

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
I am most anxious about the fleeting nature of an  MBA program. While I am fully prepared for the intensity of the first semester — often described as “drinking from a firehose” — I am concerned that the whirlwind pace might leave me little room to pause and enjoy the journey.

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I am enthusiastic about developing my business acumen and gaining invaluable insights from my peers, professors and industry leaders. I am particularly excited about participating in Partio, where I can connect with my classmates and celebrate the week’s achievements together.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.