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Michigan Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: R1 / Alumnus / Virtual

Image for Michigan Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: R1 / Alumnus / Virtual

I interviewed with a recent grad in my area. It was a half-blind interview, so they only had my resume on hand. Overall, it was a very standard behavioral interview—resume walkthrough, why MBA, and why Ross.

There were a few “tell me about a time” (TMAT) questions, but I was a bit surprised that all three focused on “challenges, setbacks, and constructive feedback,” so I had to adapt my stories to fit the theme. The final question was about DEI. I wrapped up by asking a couple of questions.

It wasn’t very conversational, as I could tell the interviewer was working through a list of questions.

Personally, I think I did well, but there are areas I can improve, particularly in the final wrap-up, calling out key points, and summarizing—similar to how you would in a consulting interview.

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