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Michigan Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1/ Alumnus/ Virtual

Image for Michigan Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1/ Alumnus/ Virtual

I had a virtual interview with someone who lives in the same country as I do. He was very friendly and approachable, which helped boost my confidence. The interviewer asked me several questions, including: ‘Walk me through your resume,’ ‘Why an MBA?’ ‘Why Ross?’ ‘How do you handle uncertainty?’ ‘How do you manage projects when you’re unfamiliar with the topic?’ ‘What was your last piece of tough feedback?’ and a DEI question about working with team members from different parts of the world, which is part of my job.

Throughout the interview, he asked follow-up questions to ensure he understood my answers and added extra comments about my experience, making the conversation flow naturally.

At the end of the interview, he asked if I had any questions. We ended up discussing his experience at Ross, other countries, and life in Ann Arbor.

I really enjoyed the interview. It made me feel confident about my responses, and the interviewer was very supportive. I’d also like to acknowledge that this was partly thanks to a mock interview I had with current Ross MBA students, whose feedback was incredibly helpful and much appreciated.

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