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Real Humans of the Carnegie Mellon Tepper MBA Class of 2026

Image for Real Humans of the Carnegie Mellon Tepper MBA Class of 2026

CMU Class of 2026

Olivia Demkowicz, Carnegie Mellon Tepper MBA Class of 2026

Age: 27
Hometown: Shrewsbury, MA
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Design, Innovation Society
Pre-MBA Work Experience: Product Marketing Manager, Emerson, 4 years

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
After graduating from RPI, I knew that pursuing an MBA was the right path for me. My career aspirations have always been centered around blending strategic and business-focused roles with my engineering background. I also knew that gaining industry experience first would make my MBA experience that much more relevant and impactful.

The timing felt right for me now because I wanted to advance my career and tackle the new opportunities that an MBA could unlock. I realized that to reach my goals, I needed to deepen my understanding of business and finance. Additionally, I had a personal milestone of completing my MBA by the age of 30, and with my graduation planned for 29, it’s a goal I’m excited to achieve! 

Why did you choose Carnegie Mellon Tepper? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
I chose the Tepper School of Business because the program aligns perfectly with my interests and career goals. The Tepper School’s unique blend of engineering, art, and business resonated with me, along with its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The data-centric approach and focus on AI were significant factors in my decision as well. Further, the Tepper School’s impressive alumni network, with graduates placed in the cities and companies where I aspire to work, also validated that Tepper could facilitate my development towards my career goals. 

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the CMU Tepper Class of 2026?
One of the key contributions I bring to the Class of 2026 is my genuine enthusiasm and commitment to building meaningful connections. I believe that authentic curiosity and respect are essential for fostering deep, productive relationships. This approach has served me well in my previous roles, and I am confident it will be helpful in enriching my MBA experience, both in and out of the classroom.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your CMU Tepper Class of 2026 application:
I am a big Swiftie! I was lucky enough to attend the Eras Tour twice in one week in two different cities! 

Post-MBA career interests:
Product Marketing Management, Consulting, Corporate Strategy

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
Research! Investing time in thorough research was crucial to my decision making. I delved deeply into Carnegie Mellon University and the Tepper School by reviewing DEI reports, examining graduate placement data, and listening to podcasts from current students. This helped me gain a comprehensive understanding of what the Tepper School offers and envision what my MBA experience would be like. Through this research, I also uncovered new aspects of the school that were super exciting and fueled my interest. 

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?
Apply earlier! If I could do one thing differently, it would be to submit my application sooner. I applied for Round 3 due to other commitments, and while it didn’t significantly impact my experience, I did miss out on the welcome weekend that took place a month prior to my application decision. From what I’ve heard, this event was a fantastic opportunity to connect with current and prospective students and explore the campus. 

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
If I could skip any part of the application process, it would be the GMAT. Standardized tests can be quite stressful, and I found the preparation challenging. However, despite the difficulty, I discovered that studying for the GMAT was beneficial in preparing me to transition back into student life. It helped me sharpen my focus and develop a disciplined study routine, which are both important to thriving in graduate school.

What is your initial impression of the Carnegie Mellon Tepper students/culture/community?
So far, the Tepper School community has been extremely supportive and helpful. It’s amazing how my cohort and the second-year students genuinely celebrate each other’s successes rather than viewing them as competition. There is a clear collaborative spirit and camaraderie that has been truly impressive and uplifting.

What is one thing you have learned about Carnegie Mellon Tepper that has surprised you?
I was surprised by the number of activities and resources available at the Tepper School. There are countless clubs, resources like the Accelerate Leadership Center, and numerous networking events and presentations from industry leaders. The abundance of opportunities for growth and development has been a great surprise.  

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
What makes me most anxious about my first year is balancing the schedule. From the classwork to internship recruiting, club activities, networking events, and personal life, it can all seem a bit overwhelming. Despite the challenge, I know it will be an excellent opportunity to refine my time management and prioritization skills, which will be invaluable throughout my MBA experience, and I am lucky to get to experience it all!

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I’m excited to learn and eventually apply my learnings to real-world situations in my summer internship. With my industry experience as a foundation, I’m eager to see how the knowledge and skills I gain through my MBA will directly influence and advance my career. The opportunity to bridge theory with practical application is very exciting and motivating for me.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and criminal justice, and has extensive experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.