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Comparing Old and New GMAT Scores: Conversion Chart

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In 2023, an updated version of the GMAT exam was released. The old GMAT (now known as the “10th Edition”) and the new GMAT (briefly known as the “Focus Edition”) differ primarily in length and structure. The newer exam, now just called the GMAT Exam, is nearly an hour shorter, has scrapped its writing component, and has become more flexible than ever. Alongside these changes comes a new scoring system; to help you when comparing scores between the old and new GMAT exams, we’ve sharing a score conversion chart. 

Overview of Scoring Changes

The immediately obvious difference in scoring between the old and new GMAT is the available range. The total score for each is as follows:

  • GMAT Exam: 205–805
  • GMAT Exam (10th Edition): 200–800

For the current GMAT, all exam scores will end in a “5.” This makes it easy for all schools (and test-takers) to immediately understand whether the score they are looking at was gained on a 10th Edition or current exam. 

This does not mean, however, that a score of 670 on the old GMAT is equal to a 675 on the new, or a 720 to a 725, or a 750 to a 755. The scale itself has shifted, too, causing median results to drop across test-takers. 

This is a deliberate shift from the GMAC to rectify the “uneven distribution” that was occurring in the previous edition. The new score system creates more room at the top, allowing schools to “better differentiate your performance on the exam.”

You can read our full analysis of the updates to the GMAT exam scoring system here

What Does This Mean for You?

If the two GMAT tests are different, and the scores are different, comparing scores between the two can be tricky. This can make it hard to understand which GMAT scores to aim for, since averages at your target MBA programs may be relevant to a different version of the exam than the one you have taken. 

Percentiles come in handy here, acting as a translation tool between scores gained on the GMAT 10th Edition and the GMAT Focus Edition. Percentiles demonstrate how you fared compared to other candidates—a score in the 60th percentile, for example, means that 40% of test-takers scored higher than you, and 60% scored lower. 

You can use percentiles to compare old and new GMAT scores by using our conversion chart below. 

GMAT Score Comparison Chart

Old GMAT Exam Score New GMAT Exam Score Percentile Ranking
800, 790, 780 805, 795, 785, 775 100%
780, 770 765, 755 99.90%
770 745 99.70%
770, 760 735 99.60%
760 725 99.20%
760, 750 715 99%
750 705 98.20%
750, 740 695 97.70%
740, 730 685 96.20%
730, 720 675 95.30%
720, 710 665 92.90%
710, 700 655 91.30%
700, 690 645 87.70%
690, 680 635 83.10%
680 625 80.50%
680, 670, 660, 650 615 77.70%
650 605 71.70%
650, 640 595 68.50%
640, 630, 620 585 62%
620, 610 575 58.70%
610, 600 565 52.10%
600, 590, 580 555 49%
580, 570 545 43%
570, 560 535 40%
560, 550 525 34.70%
550, 540, 530 515 32.20%
530 505 27.60%
510, 500 495 25.40%
500, 490 485 21.50%
490, 480, 470 475 19.80%
470, 460 465 16.60%
460, 450 455 15.10%
450, 440 445 12.40%
440, 430, 420, 410 435 11.30%
410, 400 425 9.20%
400, 390, 380 415 8.30%
380, 370 405 6.70%
370, 360, 350 395 6%
350 385 4.80%
350, 340, 330, 320 375 4.30%
320, 310 365 3.40%
310, 300 355 3%
300, 290, 280 345 2.30%
280, 270, 260, 250 335 2%
250 325 1.50%
250, 240 315 1.30%
240, 230 305 1%
230, 220 295 0.80%
220, 210 285 0.60%
210 275 0.50%
210 265 0.40%
210, 200 255 0.30%
200 245, 235 0.20%
200 225, 215, 205 0.10%

Source: GMAC Concordance Chart 

Keep in mind that GMAT scores are valid for five years when it comes to MBA applications, so the applicant pool should be fully on the five-point scale by 2028 the latest.

Peggy Hughes
Peggy Hughes is a writer based in Berlin, Germany. She has worked in the education sector for her whole career, and loves nothing more than to help make sense of it to students, teachers and applicants.