Originally shared in My journey to an MBA class of 2012 Blog.
It went pretty well. It was with an alumn in a city outside the US (I am an international applicant). The guy was very straight forward and nice. He introduced himself, told me his career pre-mba and post-mba.
Then we started with the questions:
- walk me through resume
- why so much community work? (i did a lot of community activities!)
- tell me the course you like the most during undergrad
- when did you have a chance to apply that knowledge
- some accomplishment at work
- tell me atime you were frustrated at work
- tell me a time you had to accept someones decision (like loosing a discussion)
- tell me something that impressed you about spain.
- Are you aware of chicago’s line of thought?
- why mba, why chicago, why now?
- what do you think about the MBA and the financial crisis? do you think MBAs need a more human side?
- he asked me to recommend him a book
I think it went quite well. It was no stellar though.