Hey all,
I just finished my off-campus alumni interview this evening. My interviewer was very pleasant and the interview, quite conversational. The interview lasted an hour and was at a Starbucks. I’ve paraphrased some of the questions as I don’t remember them verbatim.
- Tell me about yourself.
- So why’re you seeking an MBA now?
- Why Booth?
- Talk about your leadership experience. What/who has influenced your leadership style?
- Give an example of a leadership-based conflict.
- What role do you take on in a team? How have you handled a team-based conflict? (Follow-up questions specific to my story)
- Booth has classes that present different settings: group-based, individual, project-based. Which ones do you have a preference for? Why?
- Which extracurricular activities are you looking to engage in at Booth?
- Why would you choose Booth over other schools you might be considering?
- Any questions (for the interviewer)?
Good luck, everyone!