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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / R2 / Off-campus

Today, I interviewed with an alumna in a non-US city. (Too far from Chicago or any of the adcom hubs.)

After some pleasantries, we jumped into the 30 minutes of questions:

  • Why an MBA? (I walked through my resume and gave examples of what lead me to my decision to apply to a MBA program.)
  • Why GSB?
  • Why did you choose your most recent position?
  • What was the most important skill you gained/knowledge you learned in your career to date?
  • What will you contribute to the GSB?
  • What can other GSB students gain from your career leadership experience?

Surprisingly, there were no questions about my career plans after the GSB, but I incorporated them into my answers to “Why MBA”.

She then turned it over to me for a few questions where I asked about her GSB experience, how good the international recruiting was, career services, etc.

Interview was low threat and a pleasant experience – very much in line with all my other experiences with the GSB admissions process. Interview was approximately 40 minutes total.