I had my Chicago GSB interview with an alumni in Bangalore. This is first time the alumni got together and had this event where 4 alumni were taking interviews in parallel all day long. My interviewer in response to one of questions about alumni also said that this is their initiative and Chicago GSB is really working these days to improve their alumni network ( not directly but he did convey that the Chicago GSB alumni atleast in India is not a very very strong community but they all are working to improve that).
Anyways my interviewer was well prepared as in he had taken a print out my resume and had thoroughly disected it. I could see his notes on my resume. He started by talking about himself, seemed to be a well accomplished person, and then straight away jumped into my academics. Then he asked me about my work experience and our interview for the next 15 min revolved around here. He asked me what exactly I do. He was also from a technical background so could relate to what I said. After i gave a generic answer of what product I am working on and what I do he said “lets delve deeper into what you do and how you do”. Then we discussed about my transition from a team member to a team leader role and the difficultis I faced in this. How I manage teams and what I find challenging in doing so. SO I believe be prepared with managerial kind of questions related to your work environment.
Then he came back to my resume and picked couple of things from “Additional Information” section of my resume and then next 10 min we discussed on this. He was very curious to know why I am doing so and again how I am doing so. Again these activitioes involved working with teams so he again asked how I handle teams, what difficulties I face and how I measure success in these activities.
Next he asked Goals. He did not grill much on that and then asked Why Chicago. After 3-4 points I said he interrupted and said I seem to have done my homework and then started talking more about GSB. Then he asked why not some other school. I was prepared for this and answered. I brought a work life balance to this answer and he said yes thats really important.
Then he said I am done with my questions and do I have any thing to say. Then I took the opportunity and talked about my interest with Tennis and we went into a discussion about “Federer vs Sampras” who is great. He seems to be inclined towards Sampras and I with Federer and I said I am sure Federer has lot of tennis left in him and he will do wonders. I also told why I like Federer thinking he might be judging me on this argument.
Then I asked couple of questions about how GSB helped him in career progress and also how about GSB alumni community and such stuff. He gave good answeres and I do not remember anything he said as I was thinking “Thank god” the interview went well.
He finished and said I can anytime email or call him for any help I require.
Overall a good experience. My takeways: 1. Be very crystal clear on your work experience. What are you doing needs to be very clear. 2. Why GSB argument is like a trump card,rather why GSB is best for you needs to be well prepared to win the battle. 3. Need to have good share of luck and wishes from loved ones.
Best of luck to everybody.