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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On campus / 2nd year student

I had my interview at the GSB with a 2nd year student. Some questions were standard; some were a little aggressive in my opinion; however, the interviewer was probably trying to gauge my maturity level. Went through the following questions:

  • Looks like you have stayed all of your life in the same region. Why do you want to come to Chicago now?
  • How were you active while in college?
  • (The interviewer was impressed by my grades). Asked if I was part of any honors programs?
  • Looks like you started as an Intern at your first company. What exactly do you mean by co-ordinated activities between two groups?
  • Walk me through your work experience at your current company.
  • Do you give presentations in front of customers? Have you ever spoken at conferences?
  • Are you responsible for P&L?
  • How do you go about determining what new R&D item to request? What method have you found the most effective in understanding customer’s requirements?
  • With respect to outsourcing do you think India and China just emulate what they see in the west, or do they come up with their own innovations?
  • Do you think that there is a danger with outsourcing in terms of the quality of goods that are manufactured oversees. Would they be of the same quality as those made in the US?
  • Why does Ford Motor Company still build its own products? Why not just outsource all manufacturing? Boeing is going that route isn’t it?
  • You obviously have a lot of experience. Why do you want to get an MBA? Typically, MBA graduates would make a lot less money that you probably already do.
  • Why now?
  • What is the thing that most motivates you in life?
  • Why Chicago?