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Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Admission Committee member / Phone

Apparently, Oxford does not make the phone call. You have to give them a ring on the number they provide you with. Following are the questions I was asked —

  1. Tell me about your current job.
  2. How did you end up working as a **** when you have a formal **** degree?
  3. Leadership skills
  4. Can you ever be a delegative leader?
  5. In a school environment you might have to adopt delegation in some cases. How will you cope with that?
  6. Why MBA? Why Oxford? Why Now?
  7. What qualities do you think an Entrepreneur MUST have?
  8. What entrepreneurship ideas do you have? How will you implement them?
  9. What happens if you don’t get into Oxford? What are your next steps?
  10. What is different in you from other students, you think?
  11. Anything else that you would like to talk to me about that we have not covered so far?
  12. Any questions you have for me? (I had two questions – one each on Strategic and Operational front of Said school)

Length of the interview: 33 mins (that was the length of my phone call)