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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / First year student / On-campus

First year student, no questions in front of her but clearly working off of a list. Had not reviewed my resume. Lasted 30-min.

  • Walk through resume
  • Introduced her self and talked about her background
  • Why an MBA, why now
  • Why Georgetown
  • Other schools you’re applying to; if you got a “free ride” to all, where would you go
  • Give me an example of when you were on a team
  • Given your interest in consulting, if you were to take a company in your field as a client, how would you advise them
  • How have you helped prepare for an MBA
  • How will you balance academics, service, personal
  • What campus activies would you join [was looking for specific programs and school-sponsored activites]
  • Are you a leader or a follower [yup, asked it like that]
  • Any questions for me