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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum / Round 1

Originally shared by Dreamer

Here goes my Darden Interview process experience.

13th December: I got a mail about status change of my Darden Application. It was an Alum Interview call.

22nd December: I was contacted by Office manager at Darden Admission Office about the busy state of Alum and possibility of Telephonic interview. Disappointment it was as I wanted to have a face to face interview. When I asked a current student, he also told me that I should try my best for Alum interview.

9th January: Another mail from office manager stating alum shud be contacting me anyday and if he doesn’t contact by friday, we’ll have the telephonic interview scheduled.

12th January: Alumnus called me. He told me how busy he was and didn’t have any plans to come down to bangalore. I said I was open to travel to mumbai. He said we could have it on saturday the 19th and he’ll confirm by monday/tuesday.

Tuesday: I called him up and he said yes lets have it on saturday but he’ll confirm me time by thursday.

Thursday: I called and we fixed the interview for saturday at his place in mumbai.

I have posted these details as I found lots of people cribbing on the internet questioning Darden’s responsiveness. I would say I was kept pretty much informed about all that was going to happen. Alums are usually very busy and we must understand it.

Anyways, I had this interview on Saturday 19th Jan at Alum’s apartment in mumbai. I booked my tickets on thursday for friday evening flight and returned to bangalore on monday morning (My brother stays in Navi Mumbai).

So here’s how the interview went:

I reached at 2:50pm (3:00pm was the time). I roamed around the corridor for 5 minutes looking at the sea from the 12th floor just to calm myself down and pressed the doorbell at 2:55pm

After greetings, where-have-you-put-up and when-are-you-flying-back talks he asked me if I was familiar with the process. He asked me what other schools I have applied to and have I been interviewed somewhere else [:(].

Then he talked about himself, his native place, undergrad, job, darden and job after mba. Then started questions.

  • “Tell me about your job”

I answered which took form of a discussion and he gave his inputs and kept on acknowledging what I said.

  • “Why do you want to do mba now”
  • “Why Darden”
  • “What was the different thing you found in your undergraduate college”

discussions. he listened to me presented his views, i elaborated on my views and we agreed.

  • “How would your friends describe you”
  • “Career Goals”

Then it was my turn to ask questions. His answers also took shape of discussions and lasted till he had explained me everything.

After 45 mins we wrapped up.

Few words on face2face interview vis-a-vis telephonic interviews while I was preparing to leave. And I left by 3:50pm.