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UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round One / On-Campus / Second-Year Student

I interviewed on Dec 2, 2010 – Round One. It was an on – campus interview with a second year student. Since I had visited the campus before, I opted out of class visit and tour.

It was a blind interview, interviewer had no idea about my application. She had my resume alone. She had different sets of questions and asked one or 2 from each set.


  • Walk me through your resume.
  • What are you career goals – How does an MBA fit in.
  • Why Mccombs.
  • A leadership opportunity.
  • What would you do if a member of your team does not pull his weight. (She allowed me to explain a similar incident from my experience).
  • What are the clubs you want to join and how do they fit in my career goals and MBA.
  • Three words your co-worker will describe you with.
  • Talk about your undergrad and activities involved in then.
  • How do you define success.
  • A topic you would discuss about when you meet a fellow Mccombs student at a coffee place.

Then she answered my questions regarding her experience, internship etc

The interview lasted for 45- 50 minutes. The interviewer was very pleasant and was supportive for the fact that I had a bad cold that day.

Result: Admitted mid-Jan.