My UNC-KF interview was a blind interview with an alumnus in Mumbai on December 12, 2009. I was given an option to choose my interview date and location. The interview was on a weekend at a coffee shop. The alumnus was a little more casual than I expected and so I kind of felt a little over dressed, even when I was not wearing a full suit but only business formals with a tie.
There were no questions related to my professional background stated in my resume. He started with asking about my personal background and some questions on my undergraduate years. Like where did I finish my engineering, which stream and how was my academic record.
Then came:
- Why UNC-KF?
- Which other business schools are on my list and Why?
- How will you fund your education at UNC-KF (as it is very expensive for someone like me)? There was a good discussion on this one.
- Questions on some of my personal interests/activities listed in my resume. I guess, one of my activity is a little uncommon as I have always and always faced questions on it. And more specifically Why this activity?
In between, while I was answering his questions, he talked about his similar experiences and reasons. Like the fee structure in his time was just 1/4th of what I will be paying, how he found it difficult to get a job or internship as he passed out during the dot com bubble and how he managed to get a job in India directly after his MBA. I asked him about two questions and he answered to the best of his knowledge.
All in all, it was more of a conversation that lasted for about 30 mins and I feel I could have said a lot more about myself that I actually did. But I guess I need more practice 🙂